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Lessons from Stine

3 min read
What Happened When I Traveled International After Negative COVID Test Requirements for U.S. Re-entry
What Happened When I Traveled Internationally After the New Negative COVID Test Requirements for U.S. Re-entry I am excited to say I am...

1 min read
Latest interview with Tom Fields of Information Security Media Group

1 min read
Leading During a Pandemic: A Cyber Security Perspective
This month, I partnered with PECB Insights Magazine to share more on leading during crisis! Check it out here:...

1 min read
COVID-19 Update
I know I have been a bit more quiet than usual. The global pandemic has hit hard, especially for my family. We lost our beloved uncle to...

8 min read
Cybersecurity Implications of an Ongoing Pandemic
Introduction The year 2020 has left many people feeling like we are living in the twilight zone as the coronavirus sweeps the globe,...

5 min read
10 Lessons Learned from a Decade with Stine
A lot can happen in 10 years. A lot of ups and downs, wins and losses, and most important lessons learned. In this post, I’m sharing some...

1 min read
We sat down with Cheddar for an exclusive interview on closing the opportunity divide in cyber
In November 2019, a former rockstar intern now full-time United employee and I, made our way to New York for an exclusive live interview...

5 min read
How to build a lucrative career in cyber security from scratch.
I started my career in cyber security about 10 years ago, and it’s been a remarkable and rewarding journey thus far. In the process, I...

3 min read
Why you should start a career in cybersecurity?
Cyber security is one of the hottest topics of the tech industry right now. From ransomware attacks taking down entire government systems...

1 min read
Your Ultimate Guide to Building a Career in Cyber Security
Every year, I get hundreds of questions from people around the world, wondering what I do in the cyber security industry and how they can...

4 min read
Should we still care about Ransomware in 2020?
We’ve heard some terrifying stories throughout history when it comes to kidnappings and physical attacks demanding ransom. Criminals once...

4 min read
Ransomware and digital extortion 101
Written by Dr. Christine Izuakor Since the first documented ransomware attacked occurred in the late 80s, the attack method has...

4 min read
Exposing the next generation to promising futures in cyber security!
United Airlines, Year Up, ICMCP, and Security Innovations come together to help expose students and young professionals to the cyber...

4 min read
Five ways cyber attackers are using artificial intelligence to their advantage.
Written by Dr. Christine Izuakor on behalf of Veriato, a cyber security company Industries far and wide are raving about all of the ways...

3 min read
Five ways artificial intelligence is being applied in cyber security
Written by: Dr. Christine Izuakor on behalf of Veriato At a point in time, smart devices and robotics were common elements in the...

4 min read
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Written by Dr. Christine Izuakor for Veriato, a cybersecurity company Artificial intelligence (AI) is used all around us and if you’ve...

4 min read
What is Machine Learning?
Written by Dr. Christine Izuakor for Veriato, a cybersecurity company Over the last century, our technology devices have gone from being...

2 min read
3 easy ways to give back to others and the community.
There is something so rewarding about giving back to the community and others. The term is called “Volunesia” – when volunteering is...

7 min read
10 Nipsey Hussle Quotes To Help You Level Up In Life
By Dr. Christine Izuakor On March 31st 2019, the world lost a legend. People across the globe, some who knew Nipsey Hussle well and many...

3 min read
3 tips to help you book public speaking gigs.
Last week, I had to honor of speaking at the largest cyber security conference in the world for the second year in a row. An estimated...
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